Monday, August 07, 2006

Easily Said than Done

After a long self-imposed ban, i've returned to middle earth a better being.I've been faced with countless challenges that warrants oneself to do some high-end introspection. One thing definate is that we can't always be the pleaser... There comes a time when whatever emotion we emit needs to be reciprocated.It's within this parable that i, most often than not, find myself puzzled. How hard can it be to make a choice that wont come back and bite you in the bum? Keepin' mum won't ensure the pleasure of the warmth of the sun! Will you make a run ?

There's really not an approved and certified logic that one can apply. It's the uncertainty, i guess, that makes it more interesting and moreso, exciting.What we see and believe is not always the rigt thing BUT in absence of right can we surely say only wrong exists? If we never crossed paths with "wrong" then what we perceive as right, even though it's wrong, is justifiably ....right. Right?

Is it possible to base ones opinions on the unknown? Can we really plan for what we know nothing of? So, in the absence of knowledge, what is left or there? I bliv what's there is the knowledge of the absence of knowledge.(still with me?)

All we can rely on is US. We CAN forge ahead and become succesful and wonderful beings. We can survive. We WILL survive.

Let it marinade.

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